Thursday, October 18, 2012

Metaphorically Snapping

What IS that woman doing?

Did she drop something?
Is she picking up leaves?
Wait a's a little blurry..but....
I think she is puckering her lips....
I believe she is gettin' ready to KISS THE GROUND!


What a beautiful day.  Glistening leaves in the rain.  I felt like I was in a technicolor movie.

We went to the Monroe County Historical Society and saw some very cool old pictures and read some history about Bloomington at the "Bloomington, Then and Now exhibit".
A book will be coming out soon with old pics transposed over new ones, or vise-versa.
I  will post some of those was difficult to good pics OF pics at the exhibit.
But the concept is great... especially since I have many times walked down a street...past a building or what was once a different building or home...and 'felt' a twinge of something.
Knowing more of the history with PICTURES of what was once there can be confirming at times.

But here are some other cool little scenes you may enjoy:

 Old kitchen scene, including a "Hoosier Cabinet" that I unfortunately
 cut out of the picture :-/ but look at those aprons!

I love this one:

Here is an old switchboard...
as a kid, I always wanted to work on one of those, just like Julie Holiday in "Bell Are Ringing".

I have a laptop instead.

Log cabin with real Indiana logs...spinning wheel and very intricately decorated rocker and linens.
Sorry the pic does not do it justice.

Apothecary chest. I was thinking...if I was a pharmacist (druggist, back then) a past life...OR married to one, (more likely) in the late 1800's..this could have been mine.  I may have touched those bottles!
Bear with me, I get a little woo-woo with antiques. ;-)

 Here is a stuffed bear that was once in a department store in Bloomington of the 50's-60's.
I liked it because it reminds me of Jesse the Bear  in Northern Exposure.
Some fans out there?

Look at this view.  it's just a street....could be anywhere...but it took my breath away.
And it almost did, literally.  I stopped in the middle of the street to take this picture. ;-)

Here is a weak attempt at this a beautiful church window...the light and angle was not conducive to good snapping.

Here is another one that I could not catch the colors and shapes  very well.  BUT...if you look closely, you can see the reflection of the tree branches that were above/behind me as I snapped. 

  I thought that detail was interesting.
A reflection of what is behind me...projected before my eyes...onto/through the window, transforming it into something totally different, new, pleasantly surprising.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lighten Up

There's just something about seeing twinkling lights where you don't expect them.

Although...there IS much light here.

In the eyes of old friends.

In smiles.

In the Presence...                                                                 and in secret,  forgotten places.

Looking at something old with a new lens of LIGHT is... well, it's eye opening :-)  and
heart soothing.

Perhaps that is what is meant by ENLIGHTENMENT ?
Looking beyond the obvious layers of ANYthing... SEEING the light at it's core.
James Hillman replaced the word enlightenment with "TRANSPARENCY".
This has always made sense to me.
It's comforting that something makes sense at this time when so much in the
 world-at-large does not.

Well, brief as it may be...this is my THIRD blog post in just two weeks!
But who's counting...? ;-)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Paradise Found

My Brain is expanding in Bloomington!!

Before I left for Bloomington, I won a free space in an online Writing Workshop.  I almost didn't enter, but my good friend Laura urged me to and lo and behold! So...that is part of the reason why this new blog has been born.  OK, it's NOT 'my book' yet...but some consistency and discipline with my writing could only help. I also joined another 'creative' on line group that is fantastic.  Getting daily prompts and reminders to BE who you are and LIVE your very uplifting..
I find it interesting that I am involved in these two remarkably inspiring and encouraging groups while I re-visit HOME. I also find it interesting that... after so many years of inspiring OTHER people...I now need a push for myself.  Full Circle, maybe?

I am trying to 'pace myself' as far as seeing people and skipping about town.  I need to remind myself I will be here for awhile and do not have to 'do it all' the first week. I have been 'taking in' the town and feasting my spirit on the sights and sounds that I have missed so much, as well as some surprises.

The BRAIN above is one of many brains transplanted around town by two Bloomingtonians:
 Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and Joe Lamantia.  Clink on the links for more!

Yesterday I giggled out loud... just because I turned a certain corner that used to be daily routine.

I went into the library today, just to smell the books.  And visited THE local natural grocery store just so I could get a tablespoon of  fresh sage and 5 pieces of candied ginger.  You would think I was traipsing about in paradise. My own kind of Paradise.

And who could not love a town that adorns it's trees with....sweaters.

*More soon...and by the way, I am still working on getting the right music player for this blog.